Monday, January 24, 2022

Menu Plan


Here we go with another menu plan! 


Monday, Wednesday and Friday is Bacon & Swiss quiche

Tuesday and Thursday is overnight oats with berries and hard boiled eggs


Monday, Wednesday and Thursday is Berry Chicken Salad

Tuesday and Friday is Asian meatballs, cauliflower rice and green beans


Morning snack: Shakeology with 1/2 a banana OR Greek yogurt with berries

Afternoon: Baby carrots with nut butter or cucumbers


Monday: Asian meatballs, cauliflower rice and green beans

Tuesday: Crockpot enchilada pasta

Wednesday: Air fryer chicken, cauliflower rice and green beans

Thursday: Sloppy joe stuffed sweet potatoes 

Friday: Cheesy chicken and broccoli casserole

The weekends are usually on your own, leftovers, take out, dining out etc

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Open to learn my secret trifecta! 😏


I know last week I went on and on about how incredible this new Job 1 program is and how fresh the workouts are, but I forgot to mention the complete 3-part formula that really does give you the total solution...

  1. Workouts 💪🏻

  2. Nutrition 🍎

  3. Accountability 👭

Part 1: Workouts ✨

Not only do you get 20 completely new and different strength and cardio workouts for the next 4 weeks, but you’ll also be given 20-minute cycling workouts that can be used on your cardio days to give you more variety! The workouts can be completed on the new Beachbody MYX bike or any stationary bike you have at home. 🚲

Andddd to top all that off, your total solution pack also includes access to ALL Beachbody on Demand programs - over 1,500 workouts! 😁

Part 2: Nutrition ✨

In addition to the workouts, you’ll get access to 2 proven nutrition programs - 2BMindset and Portion Fix! I’ll work with you to help you determine which program is best to follow according to your health and fitness goals! 🥗

You’ll also receive 30 servings of my favorite superfood shake, Shakeology. Calling it a “protein shake” would be an insult. 😉 It’s got vitamins, minerals, probiotics, prebiotics, phytonutrients, adaptogens, and honestly - everything our bodies need in order to thrive on a daily basis! 🥤

Part 3: Accountability ✨

The third and final part (and my favorite! ❤️)- My Challenge Group! As soon as you get your pack I’ll get you plugged into my virtual Challenge Group! In there we share recipes, tips and tricks that are working for us to stay on track and committed to our goals, and just cheer each other on! Sure, starting a health and fitness routine can be challenging, but no one ever said you’d have to do it alone. 😘

I’m so ready for this month and this year to be YOURS. You deserve to feel your best, inside and out, and I would love to be the one next to you watching you conquer your goals! 💪🏻

Cheering for you, 💗


P.S. Still have questions about this 3-part challenge pack? Great! 😊 Reply to this email and ask me about pricing options so we can get you set up with the best pack for YOU and your goals!

Thursday, January 20, 2022

How Can I Help You?


I’m here to serve YOU, so help a sista out!

What do you want more of…

💪 Workout tips + Move demos

🌮 Healthy recipes the whole fam will love

📚 Accountability

🧘 Self care ideas

🎲 Mindset hacks & how to stay motivated

Drop an emoji below to let me know what would help you the most 👇👇

Monday, January 17, 2022

Menu Plan


Breakfast: Choice of:

Over night oats with fruit, hard boiled eggs or cottage cheese

Greek yogurt with fruit

Lunch: Choice of:

Leftovers or salad with protein


Air fryer chicken and broccoli

Pork tenderloin and cauliflower

Italian turkey sausages and cauliflower rice

Baked chicken and salad

Taco salad

😍 Seriously, how GOOD does this sound?!

 Okay, I’m just gonna get right to it because I CAN’T FREAKING WAIT any longer! 😆

Our newest program, Job 1, is already changing lives and it’s nothing like you’ve ever seen before!

Here’s what it’s all about:

✨ 5 days a week, 20 minutes per day, for 4 weeks total

✨ Only equipment needed is resistance loops and dumbbells (with optional cycling workouts you can do if you get the new MYX bike or have any kind of stationary bike at home!)

✨ 3 days of strength training, 2 days of cardio endurance/HIIT training

✨ All created and led by Beachbody’s newest Super Trainer - Jennifer Jacobs!

What sets this program apart from others is how it’s specifically designed to not only get you physical results, but better focus throughout your day, improved self-confidence, increased productivity, and help you develop consistency in your health and fitness. 💪🏻

I was honestly blown away after trying the sample workout! 😍 The moves were unlike any others I've seen before and challenged me in the absolute best way possible! It may have only been 20 minutes, but it was a solid 20 minutes that left me feeling accomplished, refreshed, and totally ready to tackle the rest of my day! But I also couldn't believe how quickly it went by!

You can trust me, but I don’t want you to just take my word for it… 😉

I want you to join my Job 1 Challenge Group starting February 7th and get in on an experience that will totally set the tone for the rest of 2022! 🙌🏻

You in? Just reply to this email and I’ll get your spot reserved! ☺


P.S. Want a little sneak peek of what my groups are like before fully committing to Job 1? I have a free Facebook group I can get you added to so you can see for yourself why I’m obsessed with doing what I do as a coach! 😊

Sunday, January 9, 2022

🤪 Please stop using this word…

 There’s one word that’s started driving me absolutely nuts. 👇

BUSY. 🙅🏼

10 years ago I used this word as an excuse to avoid taking care of myself. I thought I was too “busy” to learn how to prep and cook healthy meals, exercise, and commit to personal development.

Every single day I battled headaches, lack of energy, poor quality sleep, and low self-esteem. All because I thought this is just what “busy” felt like. 😖

Can you relate?

The truth is, we’re all busy (as much as I hate using that word! 😆) But who wants to waste their life letting “busy” dictate how they feel? NOT ME! And you shouldn’t want that for yourself, either!

No matter how busy you feel like you are, you owe it to yourself to focus on your health and well-being. Because when you do, you’ll show up as a better version of yourself in every single aspect of your life. ✨

I have 2 pieces of advice for you when it comes to creating healthy habits:

☝ Surround yourself with people who are in the same boat as you, and who will be willing to do this right alongside you and hold you accountable. *I have 50+ people in my fitness community who would love to welcome you in!*

✌ Start with a small commitment in the beginning. There’s no sense in training for a marathon right away! Could you commit to 20 minutes a day for 5 days a week with me?

Let’s be real… “Busy” probably isn’t going away in 2022. But how we want that busyness to make us feel is in our complete control. It’s a brand new year and it’s time to commit to yourself. ❤

Here’s to making 2022 the year your health and wellness becomes Job 1! 💪


P.S. Our BRAND NEW program, Job 1, just came out on December 16th! It’s only 20 minutes a day for 5 days a week and would be the perfect program for you to get started with! 😍 Wanna learn more? Just reply to this email and I’ll give you all the deets, or I can get you a free sample workout to try! 🙌

Monday, January 3, 2022

First Menu Plan of the Year


Breakfast: Shakeology with fruit or Greek yogurt with fruit

Snack: Cottage cheese

Lunch: Salad with leftover meat from night before

Snack: Fruit with hummus


Monday: Air fryer chicken and vegetables

Tuesday: Pork tenderloin and sauteed spinach

Wednesday: Turkey cutlets and steamed veggies

Thursday: Chicken breast and veggie stir fry

Friday: Turkey burger on wheat sandwich thins and veggies

Saturday & Sunday: 

Breakfast: Eggs, choice of oatmeal or pancakes and a fruit

Snack: Shakeology or greek yogurt

Lunch: Lean meat sandwich with sandwich thins and cucumbers

Snack: Fruit

Dinner: Saturday is take out night & Sunday: Haddock with steamed veggies

For fruits this week, there are bananas, clementines and grapes

Saturday to do's

Wipe baseboards Clear paper clutter Polish picture frames Take a toothbrush to anything yukky accumulating around taps, sink and countertop ...