Monday, June 14, 2021

10/10 Would Not Recommend This

 Let’s talk self-care! ðŸ˜

You’ve heard the saying a million times - “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” Today I’m gonna shoot it to you straight ðŸ‘‰ You CAN pour from an empty cup. But here’s how that’s going to look…

  • Waking up tired from a bad night’s sleep.
  • Feeling on edge and rushed.
  • Blaming others for minor things.
  • Avoiding social interaction.
  • Inability to focus and easily distracted.

And really, the list could go on and on. It could also look different for someone else, but I’ll be honest - this is what my list looked like before I started making ME a priority. ðŸ˜– 10/10 would not recommend. ðŸĪĶ🏞‍♀️

We live in a very fast-paced world. Schedules are tight. We have families to take care of, jobs to tend to, and just a lot to keep up with. But in order to be the best version of you as a wife, mother, girlfriend, sister, aunt, daughter, best friend, coworker, whatever your titles are… Here’s what I DO recommend. ðŸ‘‡

Adding VALUE to your life. Adding PEACE to your life. And adding SELF-LOVE to your life, first. ❤ And by adding these things to your life first, you’ll find you’re actually adding them all to the people around you, too - Value, Peace, and Love. 

Taking care of yourself allows you to show up for everyone else in the best way possible and before you know it, your list will start looking a whole lot better! (not like mine used to ðŸĪŠ)

Better sleep, more energy, confident, organized, ambitious,  and most importantly - HAPPIER! ðŸ‘

That’s a list I’m proud of. ðŸ‘†

What do you want your list to look like? Stay tuned for my best tips, tricks, and resources for making over your list! ðŸ˜


P.S. I want to invite you to join one of my go-to resources I used to makeover my “list!” ðŸ‘‰ My virtual challenge group! We talk all about self-care, time management, and how to improve the multiple areas of wellness in our lives. Sound like something you’re interested in? Just reply in the comments to reserve your spot!

Menu Plan for the Week of May 5th

Sunday Brunch: We usually will have eggs, another source of protein (bacon, sausage, etc) and a carb (toast, english muffins, pancakes, etc)...