Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Menu Plan Monday


I'm a day late, but here is this weeks menu

Breakfast: Choice of greek yogurt with berries, cottage and fruit or overnight oats

Lunch: Leftovers or salad


Monday: Teriiyaki ginger chicken

Tuesday: Chipotle chicken bowl

Wednesday: Ground beef stroganoff casserole

Thursday: Zucchini lasagna (I think it'll end up being lazy lasagna πŸ˜‰ )

Friday: New Year's Eve.... we're going out

The weekend is about using up what's left in the fridge, meals with family & friends and/or going out to eat

Monday, December 27, 2021

πŸ‘‰πŸΌWhat’s your next step?

 Hey there!

All December long, we’ve been talking about how the holidays shouldn’t be the thing that gets in your way from working on your health/fitness goals. 

Because if there’s ever a time we want to look and feel our best, it’s around the holidays! πŸ’ƒπŸΌ

So what if instead of looking at health/fitness as a short-term chore, we start looking at it like a long-term job? 

Something you have to show up for daily and put time and effort into to get the long-lasting result? Because when you show up daily and make your health a priority, you won’t have to find yourself quitting and restarting time and time again. 

After a while, it becomes a habit. And from my experience, it becomes a habit that you can’t and don’t want to live without. 

Seriously, try feeling your best and freaking thriving in life and then you tell me if you ever want it to stop. πŸ˜‰

And speaking of making it your JOB, Beachbody has a brand new program that just launched called Job 1, which focuses on 20 minute workouts, 5 days a week, so you can truly treat your health like it’s your #1 job (because it is...without health, you’ve got nothin’!)

My brand new challenge group kicks off on 3rd and we’ll be going through Job 1 together from start to finish! There’s nothing better than tackling a new program with your fit community from start to finish. πŸ’ͺ🏼

And this is your invitation to take the next step in your health/fitness journey and your life and accept this job. πŸ˜Š

I’ll be your mentor, your cheerleader, and the best dang coworker...promise!

Here’s to kicking off this year stronger than ever!


P.S. Want to get the best bang for your buck? Reply back and ask me about finding the right total solution challenge pack for you so you can be consistent, get results, and work on the goals that are important to you! 

Monday, December 20, 2021

Menu Plan Monday

 I didn't post a menu last week because we went away on vacation. The week before we went super simple and are the same this week. My normal menu plans will be back next week!!

Breakfasts: Greek yogurt with berries & granola, cottage with fruit or overnight oats

Lunch: Salad or leftovers

Dinner: We have chicken breasts, pork loin, pork chops & sliced ham served with a variety of veggies

Sunday, December 19, 2021

I’ve got an assignment for you...

 Are you ready for your assignment?

It’s really simple and does NOT require perfection. Call it an open book test if you will. πŸ˜‰

Here goes...your assignment for the rest of December is to commit to working on your health daily, even through the holidays.

Now before you go freaking out thinking you can’t have those Christmas cookies, that holiday cocktail, or Grandma’s mashed potatoes...hold it right there. 

Because the health routine I’m asking you to commit to doesn’t eliminate ANY of that. πŸ™…πŸΌ‍♀️

When you eliminate things and deprive yourself, that’s actually NOT healthy. Because that ends up being the only thing you can think of and when you cave in...you go overboard and eat the whole dang tray of cookies. 

Enjoying yourself in moderation is healthy. Moving your body daily, whether that’s an at-home strength workout, a live BODi class, yoga, or a walk downtown with your friends is healthy. 

You don’t have to do crazy stuff to work on your health daily. It’s the small, daily actions you take that lead up to big results.

And that, you can do all month long, even during the holidays. 

You can fit movement and veggies into your holiday plans without giving up a thing. It’s all about a healthy balance, ya’ll!

πŸ₯—πŸͺ= Healthy and Happy

One of my favorite ways to stay on track during the holidays is to stay consistent with my favorite supplements that help me feel and look my best. So no matter where I go or what I’m doing, I can be sure I’m taking care of myself. 

I want to share my top 3 favorite supplements with you because I think you would love them AND they’d be the perfect gift or stocking stuffers too! πŸŽ

πŸ₯€#1: Superfood Shakeology

I call this my overall health secret weapon! It has a ton of great protein, fiber, vitamins, and superfoods to keep my body healthy from the inside out. It’s helped me with digestion, immunity, and curbs cravings. It’s a daily must!

🌟#2: Collagen

I call this my daily “glow” shot. This collagen has helped my skin feel softer and look clearer, makes my hair strong and shiny, and makes my nails strong. My hair and nails have never grown so fast! And if you’re a mama-to-be, I swear by this because it helps skin elasticity, AKA, will help reduce those stretch mark lines. 

πŸ“#3: Bevvy

I call this my ultimate craving buster and healthy mixed drink! Bevvy is a tea supplement that curbs cravings and tastes amazing! I drink it in the afternoon/evening when I’m craving a cocktail or something sweet. It helps me not snack mindlessly while I cook or wrap gifts. 

Do you have questions about my top 3 health supplements? Reply back and send me your questions or if you’re ready to snag some to try, let me know that too!

Here’s to holiday health this season!


P.S. Want to gift smarter, not harder? Grab a box of Shakeology and Bevvy  and put together little holiday health gift bags to include in your gifts to coworkers, friends, or in your family’s stockings! 

Monday, December 6, 2021

Menu Plan Monday!!


Breakfast: Choice of Greek yogurt w/cinnamon apples or cottage cheese & apples

Lunch is always salad and/or leftovers

I didn't plan out specific dinners this week. We bought turkey tenderloin, chicken breasts, pork tenderloin and ground turkey, fresh veggies to make a salad and various frozen veggies. 

Sunday, December 5, 2021

πŸ›‘STOP telling yourself this.

 I don’t know about you, but I love the holidays! The twinkly lights, the music, decor, Christmas movies, hot cocoa by the fire in my cozy Christmas jammies...I’m basically Elf. 

Tell me I’m not alone. πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜œ

But I didn’t always enjoy the holidays

I used to suffer through them because I was too concerned with the number of calories I was eating and doing constant calculations in my head on how long I’d have to work out to “undo” what I did. 

I used to tell myself, “I can’t make progress on my health and fitness goals this time of year because it’s too hard.”


And I’m going to assume I’m not the only one out there that’s ever felt that way, am I right? πŸ€·πŸΌ‍♀️

The thing is, the holidays ARE a busy time filled with schedule changes, yummy food, travel, etc. But that ISN’T a good reason to throw your health out the window. 

The holidays are a reason TO take care of your health so you can enjoy yourself, feel your best, and have the best of both worlds. 

Because there’s truly no greater gift than the gift of health. πŸŽ

So if you’re someone who struggles with your health mentality during the holidays, I want to encourage you to STOP that negative self-talk and give yourself the gift of health this holiday season. I’ll be right there with you, too! If you need help, encouragement, accountability, or someone to chat with...I’m a quick reply away. ❤️

Cheers to health and holiday joy!


P.S. My favorite total solution challenge packs are available at AMAZING prices this month. This is exactly what I used to start my health journey 9 years ago. You’ll get everything you need from workouts for the year to 2 nutrition programs, supplements, support, and more! These challenge packs make the BEST gifts for yourself or others. Want to see what’s included? Email me at funfitand50@gmail.com and I’ll send you the details! 

Menu Plan for the Week of May 5th

Sunday Brunch: We usually will have eggs, another source of protein (bacon, sausage, etc) and a carb (toast, english muffins, pancakes, etc)...