Monday, July 26, 2021

Would You Rather Have Option 1 or 2? 😊

 I hope you’ve had some time this past week to think about what it would mean to YOU to reach your peak right now. ⛰

Would it look like losing 10 pounds? Having a healthy relationship with food? Sticking to a program from start to finish?

Whatever has been on your mind, I want to make this message to you your *Official Invitation to Join my Next Accountability Group and get you started on that very thing. ✨

Here’s what you can expect immediately upon signing up:

👉 An annual membership to Beachbody on Demand which gives you access to over 1,500 workouts that include a variety of exercises:

  • Cardio/HIIT
  • Weight Training
  • Running
  • Yoga
  • Barre
  • Boxing
  • and more!

👉 Access to 2 certified nutrition courses, meal plans, and hundreds of recipes that not only work hand-in-hand with your workout programs, but help you create a life of balance and sustainability. (Yes - I’m talking about getting both your 🥗AND 🍷😏)

👉 30 days worth of my all-natural superfood shake, Shakeology. (Calling this just a protein shake would be an insult to it 😜) It’s loaded with:

  • Vitamins & Minerals
  • Pre & Probiotics (because regularity is SO important! 💩 - Yep, I went there!)
  • Adaptogens & Phytonutrients (these actually help with stress management)
  • And again - so. much. more. goodness your body needs in order to THRIVE.

👉 A spot in my private Challenge Group, to give you daily motivation, accountability, and tangible tips and advice to make reaching your peak all the more doable! (and enjoyable ❤)

So tell me which one sounds better to you?

Option 1 - It’s September 1st. You still have the same goals you did back in July, but haven’t made the progress towards reaching them like you’d hoped. You’re stuck in a rut, searching for a plan, and lacking support.


Option 2 - It’s September 1st. You’ve been working on your goals consistently now for well over a month. You have more energy and ambition to do the things you’ve always wanted to do compared to ever before. You’re happy, healthy, and who knows, maybe you’re even helping others get started on their journey to reaching their peak, too? 😍

How do you want to close out your summer and head into fall? The choice is really yours. 🤗

With Love,


P.S. Would you like to accept your invitation to join my next accountability group? I can’t wait to get you started with 645 AND reaching your peak! 👏 Just leave a comment or send me an email at and add the subject line,  “Option 2!” Let’s do this!! 💪

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Are You Making Any of These Mistakes? 😅

 Tell me if this sounds familiar…

Me: I’m going to start working on my health and fitness goals! 💪

Everybody on Instagram: *Posting filtered pictures of flattering angles and wearing bikinis that I could probably only get one leg into.*

Me: (*self-doubt kicking in*)……….. maybe tomorrow. 😐

This was me!! I used to be soooo bad about comparing my health and fitness journey to other girls I’d see on social media. 🙈 I’d be scrolling Pinterest for motivation, pin a ton of 3 day diets or cleanses, save completely made-up workouts that I had no idea who created, and admire the influencers I’d see with *perfect* bodies.

I’d start on Monday, be starving by Tuesday, binge on Wednesday, have major regret on Thursday, and then tell myself I’d get back to it on Monday… I did this for sooooo long it pains me to think about it now! 😓

Looking back, there were 3 main mistakes I made when I tried committing to my goals:

  1. Comparing myself to how others looked or what others did on social media.
  2. Being completely and utterly unprepared.
  3. Not implementing any kind of accountability system.

Trust me. I learned the hard way. 😅 And I wanna share my solutions with you that fixed all 3 mistakes for me:

  1. Staying in my own lane. 👌
  2. Sticking to a professionally created workout program and nutrition plan. 💪🥗
  3. Plugging into a group of like-minded people for support. ❤

And if you’ve been making any of the mistakes that I used to, I have a feeling these solutions could work for you too. They definitely did for Leslie!! 

  • “It feels as if Amoila is in the room cheering me on and helping me get through each set, pushing me to do one more rep, to lift heavier, to find it in myself.”

    Lost 37 lbs. and 25 inches

Focusing on someone else’s goals isn’t going to get you any closer to yours. Living a life of daily detoxes and “lose the weight in 3 days!” type plans aren't going to get you lifetime results. And if no one’s supporting you on your journey to becoming healthier and happier… Well, that’s just wrong! 🙅🏼 

Because you SO deserve it! 😘 You deserve to live your most authentic, happiest, and healthiest life!

I’m always here if you’re ready to join!


P.S. Our 645 Challenge Group is started July 19! My challengers are PUMPED and ready to get results! Send me an email at so we can get you set up with your tools and materials! 💪👏

Monday, July 12, 2021

Have You Reached Your Peak Today? ✨

 If I asked you when in your lifetime you’ve felt like you’ve reached your peak, when would you say? 🤔

Before college? Before kids? Before 40?

Hold up. ✋  

I don’t know when it happened, but somehow society has taught us to believe that our “peak” is always in the past. And there lies the problem - the comparison game of who we used to be and who we are now. It’s a dangerous road to travel. 🙅🏼‍♀️

I totally believe if you were meant to be the same person you were yesterday, time would just stop and you’d relive the same day over and over again. What’s the point in that?

Every day you have the opportunity to reach your peak - the absolute highest level of potential you were made for. That’s the beauty of life. If you’re stuck in the past and always comparing yourself to the “you” before kids, before 40, or ANY time of your life, you’ll never become who you’re meant to be in this given moment.

And here’s another truth bomb for ya 💣 👉 You can’t compare your “peak” to anyone else’s. It doesn’t matter if you’re the same age, you had kids at the same time, you went to school together, or even have the same career. Your journey is your journey. And reaching your peak isn’t going to look the same as the person sitting next to you.

Who do you want to be right now? What do you want to accomplish right now? Not who you used to be, what you used to do, or what anyone else is doing - What do you want for YOU?

That’s what I’m here to help you find - your highest, fullest potential - your peak! You were made for so much more. Don’t get stuck in the past. Don’t compare the speed of your journey to the girl next to you. Be present and celebrate your successes as they come to you!

And trust me, if you’re waking up ready to reach your peak every single day, it’s going to find you. And it’s going to look so darn good on you! 💪👊

Make today the day you reach your peak. And tomorrow. And the rest of your life. ❤

All the love,


P.S. A brand new program called 645 is about to launch! And guess what? It’s all about REACHING YOUR PEAK! 🙌 I have a group of women ready to take it on and find out what their peak looks like - You in? Just email me at and I’ll get you added!

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Close Your Eyes and Picture This… 😍

 I want you to picture something here for a bit...

I want you to close your eyes for just a sec and think about the one thing you want more than anything for your health and fitness right now. Close your eyes and envision yourself working on that one thing and accomplishing that one thing. Showing up everyday. Being a part of your own transformation.

Go on… give it a go for just 30 seconds! I’ll be here. 😉

*Hopefully you’ve opened your eyes by now.* 😂  How freaking good does it feel?!

I’ll always be the first to admit - Trying new things is hard. Stepping out of your comfort zone is hard. Change is hard. But I’m here to tell ya, you were MADE for hard. 👊

Sometimes we get so caught up in all the reasons why we could fail, why we shouldn’t commit to our goals, why we should always have a back-up plan, all the fears we have, and so on and so forth that we don’t focus on how incredibly strong we are as women. That we have the power to change anything. 

And yes, I’m talkin’ to you. ❤😘

You know what’s the best way to overcome those leering fears? Just doin’ the darn thing. Choosing that one thing to go all in on and just doin’ it. 🙌💪

Because in reality, if you’re showing up every day and going in with 110% commitment, is there really any way of failing? NO! 🙅🏼

You know what they say - “You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.” And that’s the only choice I’m giving you this month. 😉 To be STRONG!

It’s time to finally embrace that one thing you’ve been wanting for so long and make it your reality. I bet you find out just how strong you really are along the way. ❤

Talk soon!


P.S. I’d love to hear what you were picturing in your mind for your health and fitness goal! 😊 Just respond to this email and we’ll get you set up with exactly what you need to make it happen! 💪

Menu Plan for the Week of May 5th

Sunday Brunch: We usually will have eggs, another source of protein (bacon, sausage, etc) and a carb (toast, english muffins, pancakes, etc)...