Monday, May 24, 2021

What if you THRIVE??

 I know what you may be thinking, because if you’re anything like me, you are your own biggest critic and you’ve got alllll the “what ifs'' playing in your head. ðŸ˜…

“I could try, but what if I fail?” “What if my family and friends get annoyed with me on social?” “What if I don’t sign up a single customer?” 

Before you shoot yourself down and create those self-limiting beliefs… 

Let me give YOU a few “what ifs!”

ðŸ’Ĩ What if you decided to commit, and you showed up every single day?

I know I gave you the 3 secret ingredients to be successful in this business, but there’s actually a 4th. And this may be THE most important one. Consistency. ðŸ‘ˆ  People want to join people who they know will be around for the long haul. How can you fail if you show up every single day? YOU CAN’T! ðŸ’Š

ðŸ’Ĩ  What if you are unapologetically and authentically YOU when you’re on  your social media?

People can relate to people who are real. ðŸ’– What makes you unique and what makes people want to join you is your story and who you are. Coaching isn’t about who has the best body, who can crank out the most push-ups, or who eats clean 100% of the time. It’s about showing people your true self and how you can live a healthy lifestyle AND be human. Nobody else has a story like you - share it with the world!! ✨

ðŸ’Ĩ What if  you sign up just one customer? And then another? And then another? And another!

You know how the best coaches in the business started out? With their first customer. ðŸ˜‰ Just like the rest of us! Can you imagine what your life would look like with 5 customers a month? Or even 25? You become so passionate about what you’re doing that sharing it with other people feels so natural! Like you’re just talking to an old friend about what you’re doing to get and stay healthy, not selling. ðŸ™… One customer can  turn into another, and another, and another!

Stop creating those self-limiting beliefs that we both know aren’t true. Just like our fears, they are NOT our reality. 

I want you to join my team and see for yourself who you can become with this opportunity!

✅ Somebody who changes lives for the better and helps people get healthy for the rest of their life!

✅ Somebody who is the CEO of her own business and is able to create the life she wants because she refused to take no for an answer!

✅ And somebody who is healthy and genuinely happy. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again - the best part about this business is getting to work on yourself every single day. You. Come. First. How many businesses or careers can you think of that actually promote that?! ðŸĪŊ

I mean, what is there really to lose? NOTHING! Join my June challenge group. Get a feel for what we do as coaches in that group. And promise me you’ll leave those self-limiting beliefs out of it! ðŸ˜‰

P.S. If there’s anything at all you’d love to know about coaching, just reply to this email! And if you haven’t yet, be sure to reserve your spot for my June challenge group! See you in there! ðŸ˜Š

Monday, May 10, 2021

3 Things You Need to Know

Remember when I told you about how I became a coach and how stressed out I was about the social media, judgements people would make, and just plain not knowing enough about health and fitness? ðŸ™ƒ

Yeah those feelings ended REAL quick. ðŸ˜†

After my coach gave me the 3 secret ingredients to kick-start my business, I never looked back! I wanna share them with you, too! ðŸ‘‡

  1. Be proof the products work.
  2. Do personal development.
  3. Help people get results.

For a second I thought she was messing with me… ðŸĪ” It can’t be that simple!   But sure enough, once she showed me I’d be doing almost exactly the same thing I was already doing as a challenger, but getting paid for it, I was all in! ðŸĪ˜ðŸž

Being proof the products work not only helps me show people just how easy they are to use on a day-to-day basis, but has kept me accountable to my own health and fitness goals for 7 years now. It’s one of those things where I can’t just talk the talk, I gotta walk the walk. ðŸ˜ And I’m here to stay the course!

Personal development isn’t really something I had heard of before coaching. Now, I crave reading my PD every day! It just lights my soul on fire. ðŸ”Ĩ I’ve learned that when I’m fired up and motivated, I can get others pretty hyped too. ðŸ™ŒðŸž ðŸ˜†

And the third ingredient, helping people get results, it’s almost like that was the easiest part for me! I was (and still am!) so passionate about what I do that I realized I couldn’t wait to start telling other people about it and showing them how it can work for them. ðŸ’Š

I can’t take all the credit and act like I’ve done this all by myself, though. There are some days I would be totally lost without my team of coaches. ❤ They get me through the hard days, answer the never-ending list of questions I have, and inspire me to be a better person every single day! ðŸ‘­

Because that’s the beauty of this business - You are never alone. ✨

You probably wouldn’t know this about me, but I used to be incredibly reserved, a little bit anxious, and totally unsure of myself. So the thought of signing up for a gig that required me to be present on social media and put myself out there made my stomach churn. ðŸĪŠ

But I can tell you this - There is so much POWER in working on yourself. And there is so much POWER in having a supportive community by your side. ðŸ‘

And who knows, maybe without my focus on personal development and my girl gang always by my side, I would still be that stressed out, self-conscious, over-thinking girl I used to be. ðŸ™…🏞

I’m so glad I trusted the process and found myself. I like this version of Dawn so much better. ðŸ’• 

And I’m here to help you find your fave version of yourself! Believe me, she’s in there, and she. is. fierce!  ðŸ˜˜

P.S. Got a question about this coaching biz? I’m an open book! ðŸ™Œ Reply to this post and ask away!

Monday, May 3, 2021

Everything You Want is on the Other Side of Fear

 I think I’ve been feeling a little nostalgic lately. ☺ I blame it on the quote I just came across a few days ago! ðŸ‘‡

“Everything you want is on the other side of fear.” - Jack Canfield

I felt this one deep. ❤ But seriously, how true is this?!?! I’ll tell you why it is especially for me… and YOU!

About 7 years ago I started on my journey to living a healthier lifestyle. I crushed my first program and kept completing more and more. I followed the meal plans and continued to show up for myself every single day (I still do!). I couldn’t help but feel like there was just something missing, though. ðŸĪ·ðŸž

For the longest time I had been day-dreaming about being able to stay home. I knew it just wasn’t in the cards for us if we only had one income, though. ðŸ˜–

Fast forward a few years and my coach reached out to me and popped the question…  ðŸ˜…

👉 “Have you ever thought about becoming a coach?” 

Me? Ummm. LOL. I had so many thoughts and fears after that!

  • “I was a vocational trainer. I didn’t know enough about health and fitness to help anyone get healthy!” ðŸ™ˆ

  • “I have no idea what to post on social media. I’ll just embarrass myself.”🙉

  • “What would my family and friends think?” ðŸ™Š

Then this feeling hit me like a brick wall - “THIS IS WHAT YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FOR, DAWN!” ðŸ‘Š

So I did it! Has it always been the easiest? No! Has it always been completely worth it? Absolutely! ðŸ’Š

That’s the thing about fears - they’re NOT our reality and they DON’T pay our bills. It’s so hard for me to think about what my life could have been like had I not said yes to the coaching opportunity! ðŸ˜ģ

I wouldn’t be contributing to my family. I wouldn’t be working on staying home. I wouldn’t have so many of the wonderful friendships that I do today. ❤ I maybe wouldn’t even have stuck with my health and fitness goals! ðŸĪ·ðŸž

But, I’m so glad I took a chance, stepped up to the plate, and gave it everything I had. ðŸ˜† And you know what? You. Can. Too! 

Because maybe, just maybe, everything you want is on the other side of fear.

Talk soon!

P.S. Have you signed up for my May challenge group yet? Girl, let’s get you in there! ðŸ™Œ Respond to this email with the subject line, “Get me in!” 

Menu Plan for the Week of May 5th

Sunday Brunch: We usually will have eggs, another source of protein (bacon, sausage, etc) and a carb (toast, english muffins, pancakes, etc)...