I’ve got an assignment for you...

 Are you ready for your assignment?

It’s really simple and does NOT require perfection. Call it an open book test if you will. 😉

Here goes...your assignment for the rest of December is to commit to working on your health daily, even through the holidays.

Now before you go freaking out thinking you can’t have those Christmas cookies, that holiday cocktail, or Grandma’s mashed potatoes...hold it right there. 

Because the health routine I’m asking you to commit to doesn’t eliminate ANY of that. 🙅🏼‍♀️

When you eliminate things and deprive yourself, that’s actually NOT healthy. Because that ends up being the only thing you can think of and when you cave in...you go overboard and eat the whole dang tray of cookies. 

Enjoying yourself in moderation is healthy. Moving your body daily, whether that’s an at-home strength workout, a live BODi class, yoga, or a walk downtown with your friends is healthy. 

You don’t have to do crazy stuff to work on your health daily. It’s the small, daily actions you take that lead up to big results.

And that, you can do all month long, even during the holidays. 

You can fit movement and veggies into your holiday plans without giving up a thing. It’s all about a healthy balance, ya’ll!

🥗🍪= Healthy and Happy

One of my favorite ways to stay on track during the holidays is to stay consistent with my favorite supplements that help me feel and look my best. So no matter where I go or what I’m doing, I can be sure I’m taking care of myself. 

I want to share my top 3 favorite supplements with you because I think you would love them AND they’d be the perfect gift or stocking stuffers too! 🎁

🥤#1: Superfood Shakeology

I call this my overall health secret weapon! It has a ton of great protein, fiber, vitamins, and superfoods to keep my body healthy from the inside out. It’s helped me with digestion, immunity, and curbs cravings. It’s a daily must!

🌟#2: Collagen

I call this my daily “glow” shot. This collagen has helped my skin feel softer and look clearer, makes my hair strong and shiny, and makes my nails strong. My hair and nails have never grown so fast! And if you’re a mama-to-be, I swear by this because it helps skin elasticity, AKA, will help reduce those stretch mark lines. 

🍓#3: Bevvy

I call this my ultimate craving buster and healthy mixed drink! Bevvy is a tea supplement that curbs cravings and tastes amazing! I drink it in the afternoon/evening when I’m craving a cocktail or something sweet. It helps me not snack mindlessly while I cook or wrap gifts. 

Do you have questions about my top 3 health supplements? Reply back and send me your questions or if you’re ready to snag some to try, let me know that too!

Here’s to holiday health this season!


P.S. Want to gift smarter, not harder? Grab a box of Shakeology and Bevvy  and put together little holiday health gift bags to include in your gifts to coworkers, friends, or in your family’s stockings! 


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