Tuesday, The Day After Christmas to do's


Good morning! I hope you had a very Merry Christmas! Is it just me or is the day after Christmas a depressing day? There's just so much excitement, joy, anticipation, beautiful decorations, etc leading up to and then in a blink, bam! it's done. So, today I will not overdo it. 

I did not plan a menu this week either. We need to use up some items as we're going away on vacation Saturday for a week. I might go pick up a few things today like salad and fruit for the rest of the week. 

So, that brings me to next thing.....I won't be on here next week. If you follow along with my to do's and menu, maybe look back at previous posts. I hope you have a super Happy New Year!!

Sweep & mop bathroom
Empty trash cans
Do delicate & white laundry
Change sheets
Clean mirrors glass & tv screens
Exfoliate skin
Get a few groceries
Go to CVS
Start packing for vacation
Start putting Christmas decorations away

Tonight's dinner:
Loaded chicken casserole


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