This honestly made me want to die of embarrassment…

Hey heyyy Friends,

Remember that girl in elementary school who was terrified to raise her hand and ask a question because she was so sure she’d die of embarrassment right then and there?

By “that girl,” I mean ME. I was 100% that girl. 🤪😆

I’ve always been that girl who had a billion questions about anything unfamiliar or new to me. And… I was STILL that girl who asked a billion questions when I first joined my team as a coach! … *Flashbacks to more dying of embarrassment* 😐

But while I was worried in the beginning that my upline was rolling her eyes every time I shot over another question about how to run a successful online business, that wasn’t the case at all. 

My coach and my entire upline is full of some of the most positive, kind-hearted, supportive people I know. ❤️

You know the saying about how you’re most like the 5 people you spend the most time with? If that’s really the case, I’m doing pretty dang well. 😜

And when it comes to anything in life, working on your health, growing as a person, having a social life, starting a business, taking the next career step...this remains true. 👇🏻

No matter where you are in life or what you’re working on, it’s so dang important to surround yourself with positive, uplifting people who are going to bring you UP!

😉I’m so grateful that my team focuses so much on leadership, because now I can be that person for others (!) 😉

Honestly, before I started this business, I had no direction in life. I showed up everyday, went through the motions, and just didn’t feel fulfilled. I had nothing to look forward to, nothing to light a fire under my butt in the mornings. And that was a super hard time for me. #vulnerablemoment

But now, I have a new fire, a new passion, a new spark inside of me, and I want more than anything to share that with the world and with people who relate to me and my story. 🔥

So I want to ask you to get vulnerable with yourself for a that also you? Are you feeling a tug at your heart to do something new, something different that might just change your life?

Sista, I’m here to tell you...don’t ignore that tug. 😎

Instead, I want you to reply back to this email and hit me with ALL your questions you have about joining my team.

Can’t wait to hear from you. ❤️


P.S. If you’re curious at all about this business opportunity, shoot me an email at or head on over to


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