Does this make you feel like total sh*t like it does me?
Hey, Friends!
You know what’s been making me feel like complete sh*t lately? … Health & Wellness Companies who make me feel like I have something about me that is totally unstandard.
Cellulite, Wrinkles, Having an extra 10 lbs… It’s bizarre how much these companies can manipulate my mind to think that NO one else has these issues besides me. Ya feel me?!
I’ll be honest… I really used to struggle with binge eating and just my overall self-confidence because of it. I used to hide it as best as I could, but I still just struggled with comparing myself to all the girls on my social media feed.
If I had to take a wild guess, I would say every woman has probably experienced these feelings at some point in her life - The feelings of needing to change how you look in order to fit society’s standards. Yes? It’s the WORST, isn’t it?!
We spend so much of our time being convinced that we have to be a certain size to look good in our clothes. I vote we end this. stigma. NOW!
Butttt… What if I told you I’ve actually found a way? I know you’re probably thinking now, “Oh jeez, here comes the pitch.”
But I PROMISE I’m being real with you. I used to constantly beat myself up about how I looked because I never felt good “enough.” But then I finally found a way to start loving myself exactly where I was in life. And I haven’t gone back since.
It took a lot of hard work. It took a lot of support. But there is NOTHING more freeing than loving exactly who you are and treating your body with the love and respect that it deserves.
I’m here for you if you’re finally ready to join the other side!
Talk soon!
P.S. Need a healthy recipe to help you take care of your health from the inside out this week? I’ve been loving this Mediterranean Cauliflower and Pepper Salad from Eat This, Not That! It’s loaded with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory ingredients, phytonutrients to help us LOOK and FEEL our best! It’s all yours if you want it!
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