Have you ever done this in Target? I have. π
There I was, 10 years ago, feeling like a mid-life crisis had just overtook me…
I was in the dressing room at TJ Maxx, trying on some of their new swimsuits, and I completely broke down. Since turning 40, it’s like I didn’t even recognize the body I was seeing when I looked in the mirror.
Fuller waist, cellulite, wider hips and thighs... Ya know, the normal, typical stuff that comes with turning 40 and life. But for some reason, I just wasn’t that understanding nor forgiving with myself.
Can you relate?
I struggled for months after that with my self-confidence, keeping a positive body image, shopping for clothes, and just trying to feel beautiful in this phase of life. Like just fake it ‘til ya make it, right?
I started getting really fed up with how I was feeling AND treating myself, so I started looking for solutions… I was desperate to feel like myself again.
Now… You’ll have to meet me back here next week in order to hear how the ending to this mid-life crisis played out. (But at least you know I DID survive and got outta that dressing room ) But what I WILL tell you is the very first step I took in “Operation: Get My Health and Confidence Back NOW”
Everyday I started committing to doing 1 thing for me… 1 thing that was for me, and solely me.
I know some may read that and think it’s a little conceited or selfish, but that’s my assignment I have for you over the next week… Commit to doing 1 thing specifically for you!
It doesn’t have to cost money. It doesn’t have to take 2+ hours. Heck, in this stage of life you may just be lucky to get 10 minutes of “you” time.
But I don’t want you to forget that there’s only one you. And it’s time for you to start treating her like the queen she is.
Your friend,
P.S. If you need some ideas on what to do for some self-care, I’d love to share - My simple, go-to favorites are listening to a good book, going for a walk outdoors, binge watching a good show and listening to music. Don’t overcomplicate taking care of YOU!
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