This is what could happen if you gave me 1 month ✨

 Hey there!

Has there ever been something in your life that you’ve told yourself you absolutely can’t do, yet you haven’t actually tried? 🤔

I don’t mean crazy experiences like skydiving 🚁 or swimming with sharks 🦈, but something totally doable, yet it really scares you.

The thing that always comes to mind that was scary for me was when I joined my very first challenge group/30 days to healthy living group/nutrition challenge/clean week challenge/workout challenge.

Before I joined, I always felt like telling someone about my health and wellness goals made me super vulnerable… and I didn’t like that feeling. 😖

“They’re just gonna judge me.” “People will think I’m some fitness obsessor.” “I’m not falling for some fad diet.”

These were all things I’d told myself for so long. Yet, here I was, always thinking about joining that dang group. 😆

At the time, I waited a few more weeks until I finally told myself to just give it a month. I’ll do the challenge group/30 days to healthy living group/nutrition challenge/clean week challenge/workout challenge for just 1 month and if I don’t like it or it’s not working for me, I’ll move on. ✌️

I joined the challenge, began using the programs and nutrition plans right away, and started talking to more and more like-minded women in the group. 👭 

And that feeling that I started experiencing in that first month is honestly irreplaceable. ✨ I was learning more about my own personal health and wellness than I ever had before. 💪🏻 I had a sense of confidence I hadn’t felt in myself in YEARS. And I was building friendships with other women who had been feeling exactly like me… vulnerable and fearful. 🚫

Looking back now… giving myself that “1 month” is the best decision I ever made. ❤️ Month 1 has now turned into month 97 🤗 and I can’t even begin to imagine what my life would look like today had I continued to let my fears dictate my every move.

The truth is… we’re all fearful. We all have things in our lives that make us feel vulnerable. But it’s how we face those fears and take action that leads us to achieving our greatest destiny. ✨

What could happen for YOU if you gave me 1 month? I’d love for you to find out! 💪🏻

Talk soon,


P.S. If you’re thinking about what that first month could look like for you, I’d love to invite you to join my next challenge group/30 days to healthy living group/nutrition challenge/clean week challenge/workout challenge starting May 2! We’ll be sharing healthy recipes, motivation, workouts, and simple tips for living a healthy lifestyle. If you’d like to learn what it’s all about, just send me an email (! 😊


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