My Biggest Pet Peeve.....
This may come off as harsh, but you know what one of my biggest pet peeves is? Companies who are inauthentic.
When I say inauthentic I don’t mean rude or the kind who don’t take returns but the ones who try to convince you to change how you look or who you are in order to buy their products.
I’ll be honest, I’ve always been an avid online shopper. I could scroll for hours looking at cute boutique clothes, swimsuits, skincare products - You name it, imma shop for it!
But I can’t tell you how many times a day I get thrown new trends or products that either....
- Are trying to convince me that I have something about me that is unstandard.
- Only made in sizes 2 or XS.
This has been going on for as long as I can remember.
I used to lay in bed scrolling on my phone at night thinking, “When I lose just 10 pounds, I’m definitely getting that swimsuit.” Or, “Warmer weather’s comin’, maybe I should try that cellulite cream.”
It was bizarre how much these companies were manipulating my mind to think that I couldn’t just be happy with who I was at the moment!!!
If I had to take a wild guess, I would say every woman has probably experienced these feelings at some point in her life - The feelings of needing to change how you look in order to fit society’s standards. Yes? It’s the WORST, isn’t it?!
We spend so much of our time being convinced that we have to be a certain size to look good in our clothes or have completely flawless skin in order to be beautiful. I vote we end this. stigma. NOW!
What if I told you there was a way? I know you’re probably thinking now, “Oh jeez, here comes the pitch.”
But I PROMISE I’m being real with you. I used to constantly beat myself up about how I looked because I never felt good “enough.” But then I finally found a way to start loving myself exactly where I was in life. And I haven’t gone back since.
It took a lot of hard work. It took a lot of support. But there is NOTHING more freeing than loving exactly who you are and treating your body with the love and respect that it deserves.
I’m here for you if you’re finally ready to join the other side!
Talk soon!
P.S. Have you heard about the fun new dance program coming out this month? - Let’s Get Up! Talk. About. Authentic. Comment if you’d like to learn more!
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