New Beginnings Part 2

I promised you the second half of my story this week, so here it is.....

The second half of my story is how my transformation turned into why I became so passionate about Beachbody. A little over three months ago, my boyfriend's knee became swollen and he was in a lot of pain. For about a week, I was going to work and then coming home and taking care of him. I was so thoroughly exhausted. He finally decided to go to the Dr and ended up having emergency surgery. They said he would be in the hospital for a maximum of a couple of days. Well, he never came home. He died a week later from an infection that had spread through his body. I have been through so much in my life that had resulted in a diagnosis of PTSD and anxiety. So, when Shawn died I was devastated and thought that I can't handle life anymore, especially without him. I fell into a depression and the anxiety came back with severe panic attacks. I didn't care if I died. I didn't eat at all. I would somehow make it through my work day, come home and lay in bed crying until I fell asleep. Then one morning I woke up and realized this is not the life Shawn would want for me. I, all of a sudden, had a new passion for life. My transformation then began in my mind and my soul. I began my shakeology again, starting working out every morning, eating healthy and reading/listening to personal development books. I feel so great physically and mentally now. This was the best thing I ever did for myself. I still have deep grief and an empty hole in my heart but I now have the energy to get through more than just my work day. I have energy for my daughters and grandchildren. I feel hope now. Hope for the future, whatever it may bring. Hope for myself and my family. Now, my passion is to help other people in similar situations. My pain has helped me to grow and I want to help other people grow as well. I also want to say that I've met the most wonderful people through Beachbody that support me with my goals AND with what I've been going through!!


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