November Photo of the Day

OK, I'm going to try and catch up here. The 9th was "small".  I chose a small reminder of my favorite vacation to Cape Cod. We went over to Martha's Vineyard where I got this.

The 10th was can't (won't) live without and I do believe this picture is pretty self-explanatory!!!

Well, the next one is night so I will have to continue this later as it is still daytime. LOL
Until later folks!

Ok, I'm back. The 11th is night. Here is a picture out my back door after dark.

The 12th is drink. This is what I usually drink when not drinking coffee, lol

The 13th is where you slept. Here is where I sleep every night. (I know my pillowcases don't match the comforter, lol I've been too lazy to put the pillow shams on)

The 14th is "man-made". I had to think about this one. I decided to take a picture of something my husband built for me. This is my shelving for stockpiling in the basement.

And finally, I am on today!! Which is "in your bag". I actually don't have a lot of stuff in my bag.

And there we have it. I am caught up on my photo's. Whew! LOL


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