Smells of fall

Husband is lighting the woodstove for the first time this season and boy does it smell good!!!!
I love heating our house by wood. The smells and the heat from it are wonderful in the crisp, cold air.
As I said earlier, we are going to have freezing temps tonight. I already have my cold weather curtains up. They make a huge difference in maintaining the heat.

What would be your ideal way to heat your house?


  1. I don't have to worry to much about it since I live in a warm climate. I use the fireplace once in awhile and the kitchen really heats up the house. Our average winter temp is in the high 60s/low 70s. Our temps (besides today) are going to be in the mid 80s for the next 2 weeks. Today the rain is supposed to continue from yesterday but it will still be in the 70s. I really wanted to use the fireplace yesterday because it was just pouring out but the house never got below 73 degrees. My husband was going to make a fire for me but I told him it's kind of silly to light a fire and then have to turn on the air conditioner to be able to enjoy it.


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