Thursday, September 16, 2021

🖐🏼 5 ways to get your energy back.

 Hey there!

Ever wish you could have as much energy as your kids or when you were back in high school? 🔋

It can be so frustrating to go through your days feeling like there’s just not enough in the tank to get you through without totally crashing, snapping, or being miserable. 

I remember back in  feeling like I was just spinning out of control on the hamster wheel of life. I was a newlywed, had just got my first job, and was working crazy hours. I lived off of coffee, granola bars, and came home with ZERO energy left to devote to my husband or the things I loved.

Looking back, it makes me really sad to even go back to those feelings. 

I knew I needed a change, so when I decided to join my coach Amanda, in her free health and wellness support group, I had nothing to lose. 

In that group, I learned about these 5 healthy habits that COMPLETELY transformed my life, my energy, and my health from then on

💪🏼 Move your body for 30 minutes per day

🥗 Eat whole, nutritious foods

💦 Drink ½ your body weight in ounces of water per day

💤 Get at least 8 hours of sleep

👊🏼 Surround yourself with supportive, like-minded people

After 30 days of being consistent and working on these 5 daily habits, I felt like a totally different person! 

My mindset was better, I wasn’t crashing mid-afternoon, I had replaced my snooze button hitting with an early morning workout to kickstart my day, and I even involved my family in the kitchen and by working out and playing outside together. 

Not only did it impact my entire family, but taking the time to build these healthy habits and routines actually made me MORE productive, helped me adapt to change better, and gave me the energy and positive mindset to tackle new challenges with confidence👍🏼

No more being irritable, whining when something unexpected happens, or feeling stressed about to-do lists or projects at work or home. 

Let me tell you...when you take a chance on YOURSELF, you’ll be amazed at the impact on your ENTIRE LIFE…and it rocks! 🤩

So why wait? Why wait another second to feel THIS, Beyonce level good?! 

You can jump in my Accountability Group right now and see for yourself how amazing you can feel by October. 

Ready to get that energy back?!

Send me an email at and use the subject line, “Energy” and I’ll send an invite your way! 👇🏼


P.S. I have a free gift just for you to help you make those healthy choices even easier! You can grab my FREE RECIPE GUIDE complete with 20 family-friendly weeknight dinners. Comment below or email me to snag your copy!

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